sreda, 16. september 2015
ponedeljek, 14. september 2015
Mentolove pike /Mint Dots
Tale poslikava je sicer nastala šele pred časom, a sem šele zdaj našla čas, da jo malce opišem. Želela sem nekaj enostavnega in lepega, nastalo pa je tole:
This nailart was made a while ago, but I found the time to describe it just now. I wanted to do something easy and beautiful and that's what came up:
petek, 11. september 2015
Mini koktajl knjižica /Mini Cocktail Book
Pred nekaj tedni sem bila povabljena na rojstnodnevno zabavo od ene prijateljice. O darilu zanjo nisem rabila veliko razmišljati, saj mi je kar sama dala idejo. Tako sem se odločila, da ji bova s fantom podarila nekaj konkretnega za popit. A ker se mi je zdelo, da samo steklenice ne moreva podariti, sem si zamislila naslednjo mini knjižico receptov za koktajle - ki seveda vsebujejo podarjeno pijačo.
A few weeks ago I was invited on a birthday party from a friend. I didn't have to think much about a gift for her, because she gave me an idea herself. That's how I decided, that my boyfriend and I are going to get her a special beverage. But somehow I thought that only a bottle isn't going to be enough, that's how I came up with the idea to make her this tiny, mini cocktail book - that of course contains the beverage, that we gave her.
A few weeks ago I was invited on a birthday party from a friend. I didn't have to think much about a gift for her, because she gave me an idea herself. That's how I decided, that my boyfriend and I are going to get her a special beverage. But somehow I thought that only a bottle isn't going to be enough, that's how I came up with the idea to make her this tiny, mini cocktail book - that of course contains the beverage, that we gave her.
petek, 4. september 2015
Obsedena z 80imi /Obsessed with 80s
Da je glasba moje mladosti ne morem reči, saj niti glasba mojega otroštva ni, a zadnje čase mi predstavlja dobrodošel umik od moderne glasbe in še česa drugega.
I can't really say it's the music from my youth, it's not even the music of my childhood, but lately it represents a welcome retreat from modern music and even something else.
I can't really say it's the music from my youth, it's not even the music of my childhood, but lately it represents a welcome retreat from modern music and even something else.
četrtek, 27. avgust 2015
Nore poletne barve /Crazy Summer Colors
Ker je poletje in je igrivost v ozračju, sem se odločila, da bom to prelila na nohte. Pisava poslikava, ki jo je tudi dokaj enostavno narediti. Če je le čas.
Because it''s summer and the playfulness is in the air, I decided, to take that and put it on my nails. Colorfull nailart, that is very easy to do. If you have the time.
Učinek metulja /Butterfly Effect
Danes nekoliko bolj vizualno. Med brskanjem po računalniku sem med tisoč in plus fotografijami našla tudi tole.
Today a little bit more visual. While I was poking around in my laptop, I found this photograph among thousand and one others.
petek, 14. avgust 2015
Moje prvo vabilo /My first invite ever
Danes bom z vami delila svoje prvo narejeno vabilo. Ni nič kompliciranega, naredila sem ga kar v Office Wordu in z majhno merico iznajdljivosti.
Today, I'm going to share with you the first invite I ever made. It's nothing complicated, I made it in Office Word and with a little scoop of resourcefulness.
Today, I'm going to share with you the first invite I ever made. It's nothing complicated, I made it in Office Word and with a little scoop of resourcefulness.
Nov dizajn, nove vsebine /New Design, New Contents
Hej ho,
Hey Ho,
danes začenjam znova. Spet. Posodobila sem obliko bloga in tudi spremenila ime. Zdaj me lahko najdete pod imenom While Nail Polish is drying (Ko se suši lak za nohte). Vem, o čem razmišljate. Verjetno, "Kaj pa bi naj to pomenilo?".
today I'm starting anew. Again. I updated the design of the blog and changed it's name. Now you can find me under the name While Nail Polish is drying. I know, what you're thinking. Probably "what's that supposed to mean?".
No, zelo dolgo in široko sem razmišljala o tem, kako blog narediti bolj privlačen in o čem naj pravzaprav pišem. Nočem ves čas pisati le o poslikavi nohtov, saj enostavno nimam časa za neprestane manikure, zato sem se odločila, da bom objavljala tudi druge stvari. Večinoma takšne, ki jih lahko počneš medtem, ko se tvoj lak za nohte suši =D.
Well, I was thinking long and hard about how to make my blog more atractive and what to write about. I don't what to write only about nailart, because I simply don't have the time for nonstop manicures, soo I decided I'm going to publish other things too. Mostly those you can do, while your nail polish is drying =D.
V naslednjih dneh, tednih, mesecih in upam da tudi letih, boste našli nove poslikave nohtov, tiskovine in fotografije. V poletnih mesecih lahko morda celo pričakujete tudi potopis.
In the following days, weeks, months and hopefully years, you're going to find new nailart, printables and photography. In the summer months you can maybe even expect travelog.
Naj bo to vse za zdaj in se slišimo kmalu.
Let that be that for now and we'll hear again soon.
P.S.: Ne se smejat mojemu logotipu z lakom za nohte - narisala se ga sama in očitno nisem ravno talent za risanje =).
P.S.: Don't laugh at my logo of nail polish - I drew it myself and I'm obviously not a big talent on drawing =).
Hey Ho,
danes začenjam znova. Spet. Posodobila sem obliko bloga in tudi spremenila ime. Zdaj me lahko najdete pod imenom While Nail Polish is drying (Ko se suši lak za nohte). Vem, o čem razmišljate. Verjetno, "Kaj pa bi naj to pomenilo?".
today I'm starting anew. Again. I updated the design of the blog and changed it's name. Now you can find me under the name While Nail Polish is drying. I know, what you're thinking. Probably "what's that supposed to mean?".
No, zelo dolgo in široko sem razmišljala o tem, kako blog narediti bolj privlačen in o čem naj pravzaprav pišem. Nočem ves čas pisati le o poslikavi nohtov, saj enostavno nimam časa za neprestane manikure, zato sem se odločila, da bom objavljala tudi druge stvari. Večinoma takšne, ki jih lahko počneš medtem, ko se tvoj lak za nohte suši =D.
Well, I was thinking long and hard about how to make my blog more atractive and what to write about. I don't what to write only about nailart, because I simply don't have the time for nonstop manicures, soo I decided I'm going to publish other things too. Mostly those you can do, while your nail polish is drying =D.
V naslednjih dneh, tednih, mesecih in upam da tudi letih, boste našli nove poslikave nohtov, tiskovine in fotografije. V poletnih mesecih lahko morda celo pričakujete tudi potopis.
In the following days, weeks, months and hopefully years, you're going to find new nailart, printables and photography. In the summer months you can maybe even expect travelog.
Naj bo to vse za zdaj in se slišimo kmalu.
Let that be that for now and we'll hear again soon.
P.S.: Ne se smejat mojemu logotipu z lakom za nohte - narisala se ga sama in očitno nisem ravno talent za risanje =).
P.S.: Don't laugh at my logo of nail polish - I drew it myself and I'm obviously not a big talent on drawing =).
četrtek, 30. julij 2015
četrtek, 9. julij 2015
Zora sreče
Mračen dan. Sonce, ki komaj sije skozi oblake, poskuša vdreti v dvorano, v kateri se pripravlja. Njena največja želja je, da bi postala balerina. Pripravlja se na avdicijo, ki ji bo te sanje uresničila ali pa jih dokončno uničila.
Stopi na oder, vendar se boji. Ne žirije, nima treme, boji se, da ji brez njega ne bo uspelo. Brez njega, s katerim želi to deliti. Ne le veselja, da ji je uspelo priti tako daleč, ampak prav vse.
Stopi na oder, vendar se boji. Ne žirije, nima treme, boji se, da ji brez njega ne bo uspelo. Brez njega, s katerim želi to deliti. Ne le veselja, da ji je uspelo priti tako daleč, ampak prav vse.
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