četrtek, 27. avgust 2015

Nore poletne barve /Crazy Summer Colors

Ker je poletje in je igrivost v ozračju, sem se odločila, da bom to prelila na nohte. Pisava poslikava, ki jo je tudi dokaj enostavno narediti. Če je le čas.
Because it''s summer and the playfulness is in the air, I decided, to take that and put it on my nails. Colorfull nailart, that is very easy to do. If you have the time.

Zanjo sem porabila približno dve uri, s tem da se lak še ni do konca posušil. Za podlago sem nanesla podlak Broadway (trdilec za nohte), čez pa belo barvo S-he Stylezone 121/115. Ko je bil bel lak suh, sem s pomočjo palčke nanesla naprej barvne lake: mentolovo zelena Catrice 86 (S)wimbledon, vijolična Catrice 65 Be My Violetine in roza Essence 28 pink candy.
For it, I needed around two hours, but nail polish didn't dry in that time. For base I used Broadway (nail hardener), then I overlayed the white color S-he Stylezone 121/115. When the white polish dried, I applied the colors with the dotting tool: mint greeen Catrice 86 (S)wimbledon, violet Catrice 65 Be My Violetine and pink Essence 28 pink candy.

Pikice je potrebno delati postopoma in potrpežljivo, sama sem s tem imela kar nekaj težav, saj mi ni uspelo dobiti popolnega krogca, ampak so nastajale nepravilne oblike.
You'll need patience for the dots. I had a few problems, because I couldn't get a perfect circle. Instead I got irregular shapes.

Pripomoček za pikice
Dotting Tool
Ko so se barve  posušile, sem na isti način nanesla še bele pikice, kar pa se prav tako izkazalo za zahtevno nalogo, a tokrat je bil za mojo nerodnost kriv skoraj suh lak. Ko je bilo vse skupaj dokaj suho, sem nanesla še nadlak Essence.
When the colors were dry, I overlayed the white dots in the same manner. That turned out to be more difficult, but this time it was the almost dried nail polish that made things difficult. When nail polish was dry, I applied top coat Essence.

Delati takšne pikice na nohtih je kar izziv. Predvsem zato, ker je zaradi večje količine laka potrebnega več časa, da se vse skupaj posuši in čeprav je bila poslikava narejena dokaj hitro, je potrebno zaradi počasi sušečega laka še cel dan hodit okoli z dvignjenimi rokami.
Making these dots is actualy quite a challenge. Mostly because I had a bigger amount of polish and that took much more time to dry. Even though the nailart was made pretty quickly, it takes a lot of time to dry and that's why you have to walk around with your hands held up high.

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