Kdo sem? Povsem običajno dekle, vendar na povsem navaden
način posebna. Kličejo me Tamara in to je ime, na katerega sem se v vseh letih
svojega življenja (26 jih je) navadila in ga vzljubila. Vendar me samo ime ne opredeljuje. Morda k opredelitvi malce
pripomore mesto, v katerem sem se rodila. Morda je mesto krivo
tudi za to, da je moja najljubša barva vijolična (moram pa priznati, da rumeno
sovražim =D).
Who am I? Totaly ordinary girl, but on a totaly ordinary way special. They call me Tamara and that is the name I've grown to love in all my years of life (there are 26 of them). But the name itself doesn't define me. Maybe the city, I grew up in, defines me a little bit. And maybe it's the city responsible, that my favorite color is purple (but I have to admit, I hate yellow =D).
Obsedena z redom, vendar največkrat preveč lena, da bi ga
vzdrževala. Kava je prva stvar, katero moram zjutraj spraviti v želodec. Je pa
res, da jo v želodec spravim še kar nekajkrat čez dan, tudi tik preden grem
spat. Potovanja, potovati, sem potovala, bom potovala, potujem. Zadnje čase
samo preko ekrana in besed, ker ne najdem časa. Jaa, tudi finance so krive za
to =). Šport? Niti ne. Poskušam se naučiti smučati, vendar moram priznati, da
nimam pojma (ali pa morda volje). Se pa zadnje čase ukvarjam s plesom; plešem družabne plese in tudi jazz balet.
Who am I? Totaly ordinary girl, but on a totaly ordinary way special. They call me Tamara and that is the name I've grown to love in all my years of life (there are 26 of them). But the name itself doesn't define me. Maybe the city, I grew up in, defines me a little bit. And maybe it's the city responsible, that my favorite color is purple (but I have to admit, I hate yellow =D).
Obsessed with order, but many times way too lazy to maintain it. Coffee is the first thing, that I have to put in my stomach in the morning. It's also true, that I have to drink it many times over day, even right before I go to bed. Travel, to travel, traveled. In the last days only over the display and words, because I don't find the time. And also finances aren't that good. Sports? Not really. I'm trying to learn how to ski, but I have to admit I have no idea how to (or maybe I just don't have the willpower). I do however dance; ballroom dance and also jazz ballet.
Anyway, today I am an active job seeker and blogger, printables designer, occasional photographer and nail art lover.