I can't really say it's the music from my youth, it's not even the music of my childhood, but lately it represents a welcome retreat from modern music and even something else.
Govorim o glasbi iz 80ih let, ki so jih na eni radijski postaji označili za najbolj produktivno obdobje v glasbeni industriji. Kar najbrž tudi drži. Spodaj je navedenih 6 skladb, s katerimi si lepšam poletne dneve.
I'm talking about the music from the 80s, that were even labeled as the most productive years in music history on a local radio station. And that's probably true. Below is a list of 6 songs, that make my summer days beautiful.
1. Roxette - It Must Have Been Love
Ko rabim bolj mirno in sproščujočo glasbo, na svojem mp3 predvajalniku naprej zavrtim prav tole skladbo.
When I need something calm and relaxing, I play this song on my mp3 player.
Lahko bi se nam zataknilo že pri prvi pesmi, saj me je Wikipedia prijazno obvestila, da je bila pesem uradno izdana na albumu izvajalcev šele leta 1992. A izvedela sem tudi, da je bila pesem narejena že leta 1987, večji uspeh pa je dosegla leta 1990, ko je v kinematografe prišel film Pretty Woman; pesem je namreč del soundtracka.
We could be stuck at the very first song, because Wikipedia kindly informed me, that the song was officialy released in 1992. But I also found out, that the song was made before, in 1987, and it reached it's biggest success in 1990, when the movie Pretty Woman came in cinemas; the song is a part of the soundtrack.
2. Paula Abdul - Straight Up
Tale mi enostavno paše. In me vsakič znova ob poslušanju prisili v miganje in pogon. Kar je odlično.
This one simply suits me. And everytime I listen to it, I just must move. Which is great.
Izdana leta 1988, izvajalka je ameriška pevka Paula Abdul, skladba pa je bila tri tedne prva na glasbeni lestvici Billboard Hot 100.
The song was released in 1988, Paula Abdul is the performer and the song was first on the music charts Billboard Hot 100 for three weeks.
3. Irene Cara - What A Feeling
Jaa, tukaj imamo še eno filmsko. "Take your passion and make it happen" je meni osebno najljubši verz iz navdihujoče skladbe, ki jo izvaja Irene Cara, sama pesem pa je bila prisotna na soundtracku filma Flashdance iz leta 1983.
Yess, we have another movie song. "Take your passion and make it happen" is my favorite verse from the inspiring song, performed by Irene Cara. The song is present on Flashdance soundtrack from 1983.
4. Michael Sembello - Maniac
Jup, nadaljujemo s Flashdanceom. Tale skladba me vsako jutro zbuja in me navdaja z prepotrebno energijo za začetek novega dneva.
Yup, continuing with Flashdance. This song wakes me up every morning and fills me with much needed energy for the day.
Zanimivost: skladba sploh ni bila namenjena za Flashdance, a jo je žena izvajalca po pomoti vključila na kaseto, namenjeno vodilnim pri Paramount Pictures, ki so takrat iskali primerno glasbo za film.
Fun fact: the song wasn't meant for Flashdance, but the performers wife sent it to producers at Paramount Pictures, that were searching for movie music, by mistake.
5. Katrina & The Waves - Walking on Sunshine
Klasika! Spominja me na kar nekaj preplesanih noči iz časa srednje šole, poleg tega je priročna vsakič, ko sem slabe volje.
Klasic! The song reminds me of a few highschool nights, that I spend out dancing. Besides, it comes in very handy every time I'm in a bad mood.
Skladba je bila izdana leta 1983, sicer pa je bila prvotno zasnovana kot balada, a se je Katrina odločila, da bo pesem malce priredila. Še dobro, ne?
The song was released in 1983 and it was originally meant to be a ballad, but Katrina decided to spice it up a little. Good thing, right?
6. Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone
Še že vidim, kako stresam z glavo in z nogo udarjam ob tla. Jaa, nekako takole izgledam, ko poslušam tole skladbo, zraven običajno kričim še "highway to the dangerzone" in si predstavljam Toma Cruisea, kako mi pomežikne. Hehe, samo hecam se. No, vsaj glede Toma Cruisea.
I can already see myself, shaking my head and pounding my foot on the floor. Yeah, that's how I look, when I listen to this song, besides that, I usually scream "highway to the dangerzone" and imagine Tom Cruise, how he winks at me. Hehe, just kiding. About Tom Cruise, anyway.
Še ena filmska, ampak saj ste že navajeni, ne? =) Torej, mislim, da vsi vemo, da gre za film Top Gun, ki je v kinematografe prišel leta 1986.
Another movie song, but you're used to it by now, right? =) I think, we all know, this song featured in Top Gun, that was released in 1986.
Seznam ne upošteva Madonne, Whitney Houston, Michaela Jacksona in ostalih div, ki jih ne moremo mešati z navedenimi izvajalci, saj so konec koncev - dive.
The list doesn't include Madonna, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson and other divas, because we can't mix them with other performers. They're divas, after all.
Kaj mislite o moji izbiri skladb? Bi katero dodali?
What do you think about my song selection? Would you add any?
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