Na zadnjem pohajkovanju po drogerijah, sem si privoščila nov nadlak: Essence Satin Matt. Čeprav sem ga najprej preizkusila na nekoliko manj agresivni barvi, sem se tokrat odločila, da ga bom tukaj predstavila v kombinaciji z vijolično barvo.
On my last walk through the cosmetics shop, I afforded myself a new top coat: Essence Satin Matt. Even though I first tested it on a much less agresive color, I decided, that I'm going to introduce here in combination with violet.
First I applied base coat Broadway, then I applied two layers of violet Catrice 65 Be My Violetine.
Ko se je lak posušil, sem nanesla še en sloj nadlaka Essence Satin Matt. Efekt lahko vidite na tej fotografiji. =>
When the polish was dry, I applied one layer of top coat Essence Satin Matt. You can see the effect on this photo. =>
Za konec sem, potem ko se je nadlak posušil, poskrbela še za obnohtno kožico z Essence studio nails caring nail oil.
At the end, when the top coat was dry, I took care of my cuticles with Essence studio nails caring nail oil.
Spet sem iskala nekaj enostavnega in hitrega, poleg tega pa sem želela preizkusiti še matiran izgled, in tako je nastalo to, kar vidite. Lep efekt, ki se ga naredi hitro, lak se tudi hitro suši, tako da je tale izgled za vse tiste, ki se ne želijo predolgo ukvarjati z nanašanjem lakov in čakanjem, da se posušijo =D.
Again I was looking for something simple and fast, besides I wanted to try out the matt look, and what you see is what I got. Beautiful effect, that's fast to do, the polish dries fast, that's why this look is perfect for those, who don't want to spend much time with applying polishes and waiting for them to dry =D.
Jaz sem kakšni dve leti nazaj po pomoti kupil mat lak, bež barve ... res mi ni bilo všeč :) Sem bolj za takšne, kjer dodam še glosser in se ful sveti :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSkrbnik spletnega dnevnika je odstranil ta komentar.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHehe, meni pa je bil mat efekt kar všeč. Je malo drugačen kot običajen glossy efekt =D. Sicer pa vsak ma svoj okus =).