petek, 11. september 2015

Mini koktajl knjižica /Mini Cocktail Book

Pred nekaj tedni sem bila povabljena na rojstnodnevno zabavo od ene prijateljice. O darilu zanjo nisem rabila veliko razmišljati, saj mi je kar sama dala idejo. Tako sem se odločila, da ji bova s fantom podarila nekaj konkretnega za popit. A ker se mi je zdelo, da samo steklenice ne moreva podariti, sem si zamislila naslednjo mini knjižico receptov za koktajle - ki seveda vsebujejo podarjeno pijačo.
A few weeks ago I was invited on a birthday party from a friend. I didn't have to think much about a gift for her, because she gave me an idea herself. That's how I decided, that my boyfriend and I are going to get her a special beverage. But somehow I thought that only a bottle isn't going to be enough, that's how I came up with the idea to make her this tiny, mini cocktail book - that of course contains the beverage, that we gave her.

Knjižica, zasnovana posebej za rojstni dan prijateljice, vsebuje recepte za koktajle, fotografije koktajlov (ki sem si jih sposodila iz spletne strani podarjene pijače) in par navodil, kako pripraviti določene pripomočke za pripravo koktajlov.
The book, made especially for my friend's birthday, contains cocktail recipes, cocktail photos (that I borrowed from the beverage's website) and a few instructions on how to make certain accessories for cocktail preparation.

Grafično oblikovanje receptov je potekalo v Adobe InDesignu. Barvna shema, ki sem jo izbrala, je zeleno-rumena ter črno-siva. Te barve sem izbrala, ker se mi glede na temo zdijo najbolj primerne (koktajli = osvežitev, rumena in zelena = osvežitev). Za pisavo sem želela, da je čim bolj podobna ročni pisavi, zato sem za naslove izbrala Jellyka - Estrya's Handwriting, ki sem jo dobila na, za vsebino pa sem izbrala pisavo TypoSlabserif-Light. Zdi se mi, da kar pašeta skupaj.
Graphic design took place in Adobe InDesign. I picked green-yellow and black-grey color sheme. I chose these colors because I think that they're appropriate, given the theme of the book (cocktails = refreshment, yellow and green = refreshment). For headlines I wanted to have a font, that is similar to handwriting, that's why I picked the fonJellyka - Estrya's Handwriting. For content I picked the font TypoSlabserif-Light. I think they go pretty well together.

Končni izdelek
Final product

Recepte sem si zamislila kot nekakšne kartice, ki so na levi strani zgoraj pritrjene skupaj. Za to pa sem potrebovala:
- debelejši papir, na katerega sem lahko tiskala na domačem tiskalniku,
- luknjač,
- zakovice (+ tolkalo, s katerim sem jih pritrdila, in kladivo) in
- obroček, s katerim bi kartice povezala.
I wanted the recipes to be printed on some sort of card, that would the held together on the upper left side. Fot that I needed:
- thicker paper, but still thin enough to be printed on home printer,
- hole puncher,
- rivets (+ the tool, with which I attached the rivets, and a hammer) and
- the ring, with which I'd bind the cards.

Zakovice in obročki
Rivets and rings
V trgovini sem kupila 160 gramski A4 papir, ki se je pri tiskanju doma dobro odrezal. Na eno stran papirja sem natisnila 4 "kartice", nato sem jih obrezala in prerezala na sredini od leve proti desni. Nato sem papir prepognila, da je bila kartica debelejša. Na levi strani, kjer sta se stikali obe strani kartice, sem z luknjačem naredila luknjo, potem sem strani "povezala" z zakovico. Sledilo je "vezanje" kartic v knjigo.
I bought a 160 gram A4 paper, that did well by printing at the home printer. I printed 4 "cards" on one side of the paper, then I trimed them and cut them at the center from left to right. Then I folded the paper, so the cards would be thicker. On the left side, where both sides of paper were joined, I made a hole with the hole puncher and then I "connected" them with a rivet. That was followed by "binding" the cards into a book.

Najprej sem sicer poskusila vse kartice spraviti na obroček, a sem kmalu ugotovila, da je premajhen. Zato sem morala najdi nekaj drugega za vezavo kartic. Doma sem poiskala obesek, podoben mali vojaški verižici, a so se kartice zaradi kroglic zatikale. Na koncu sem se odločila, da bom za vezavo uporabila svilen trakec, saj je bilo premikanje kartic precej lažje.
At first I tried to put all cards onto the ring, but I soon figured out that the ring is too small. That's why I had to find something else to put my cards together. I found a military necklace-like pendant, but the cards were stuck because of the little balls. At the end I decided to use a silk band to bind the cards, because the movement of cards was much easier.

Težav pa nisem imela samo z vezavo, ampak tudi s samimi zakovicami. Problem je bil v tem, da se zakovica ni pravilno upognila, zato ni zaobjela obeh strani kartic in tako ni izpolnila svoje funkcije - da drži skupaj oba lista. Proti koncu ustvarjanja sem sicer že ugotovila, kako jih udariti, da bodo držale, a kljub temu sem si mogla malo pomagati tudi z lepilom.
I didn't have problems with just binding, but also with the rivets. The problem was, that the rivet didn't bend properly, that's why it didn't comprise both sides of cards and as a result it didn't fullfill its function - to hold together both papers. At the end of my crafting I already figured out how to punch them, so they would hold, but I still needed the help of a glue.

Kaj meniš o takšnem darilu za prijateljico ali prijatelja?
What do you think about such gift for a friend?

 photo podpis2_zpss1pwaaxe.jpg

2 komentarja:

  1. Najbolj uporabno darilo :) samo še sprobat ga moramo enkrat :)
    Je res darilo čist drugačno, kot pa če bi bila samo steklenica, saj se vodka ne pije čista, ampak se ponavadi meša in človek tako dobi ideje. Ne rečem za whiskey, ta se ponavadi pije sam :) (no v družbi :D)

  2. Se mi je zdelo fajn, da bi poleg flaše še nekaj dala in kaj je boljšega kot recepti, ki dopolnjujejo glavni del darila =D Upam, da ti je všeč in da še drži skupaj =D.
