sreda, 30. september 2015
ponedeljek, 28. september 2015
Matirana vijolična /Matted Violet
Na zadnjem pohajkovanju po drogerijah, sem si privoščila nov nadlak: Essence Satin Matt. Čeprav sem ga najprej preizkusila na nekoliko manj agresivni barvi, sem se tokrat odločila, da ga bom tukaj predstavila v kombinaciji z vijolično barvo.
On my last walk through the cosmetics shop, I afforded myself a new top coat: Essence Satin Matt. Even though I first tested it on a much less agresive color, I decided, that I'm going to introduce here in combination with violet.
nedelja, 27. september 2015
Igrivo vabilo za 25 let /Playful 25th Birthday Invite
25. rojstni dan se sliši kot neka prelomnica in morda tudi je. Nekako ga razumem kot leto, ko prestopiš prag odraslosti. Vsaj dandanes se mi zdi tako, saj večina mladih po srednji šoli nadaljuje šolanje na višji stopnji in 25. rojstni dan je nekako mejnik, ki študentsko življenje loči od odraslega obdobja, saj mladi do takrat običajno zaključijo šolanje.
25th birthday sounds like some kind of a turning point and maybe it is. I somehow understand it as the year you pass the threshold of adulthood. At least nowadays I feel like it, because after highschool most young people continue schooling on a higher level and 25th birthday is somehow a marker, that separates student life from adult life, because youngsters usually finish studying by then.
Danes z vami delim vabilo, ki je nastalo pred dvema letoma, povod za oblikovanje pa je bil prijateljičin 25. rojstni dan.
Today I share with you an invite, that was made two years ago, the reason for designing it was my friend's 25th birthday.
sreda, 23. september 2015
ponedeljek, 21. september 2015
Ombre Pink
Nekaj časa nazaj sem preizkusila "novo" tehniko z gobico in ombre poslikavo.
A while back I tried "new" technique with a sponge and ombre nailart.
petek, 18. september 2015
Potovalni vodič /Travel guide
Pred kratkim me je prijelo, da bi malce oblikovala. In sem ustvarila svoj potovalni vodič, ki pa ni ravno vodič v pravem pomenu besede. Gre bolj za načrtovalec dopusta.
A while ago I got the wits to design something. And so I made my own travel guide, that's not really a guide in the matter of speaking. It's more of a travel planner.
Na koncu objave si lahko načrtovalec prenesete.
At the end of this post you can download the planner.
A while ago I got the wits to design something. And so I made my own travel guide, that's not really a guide in the matter of speaking. It's more of a travel planner.
Na koncu objave si lahko načrtovalec prenesete.
At the end of this post you can download the planner.
sreda, 16. september 2015
ponedeljek, 14. september 2015
Mentolove pike /Mint Dots
Tale poslikava je sicer nastala šele pred časom, a sem šele zdaj našla čas, da jo malce opišem. Želela sem nekaj enostavnega in lepega, nastalo pa je tole:
This nailart was made a while ago, but I found the time to describe it just now. I wanted to do something easy and beautiful and that's what came up:
petek, 11. september 2015
Mini koktajl knjižica /Mini Cocktail Book
Pred nekaj tedni sem bila povabljena na rojstnodnevno zabavo od ene prijateljice. O darilu zanjo nisem rabila veliko razmišljati, saj mi je kar sama dala idejo. Tako sem se odločila, da ji bova s fantom podarila nekaj konkretnega za popit. A ker se mi je zdelo, da samo steklenice ne moreva podariti, sem si zamislila naslednjo mini knjižico receptov za koktajle - ki seveda vsebujejo podarjeno pijačo.
A few weeks ago I was invited on a birthday party from a friend. I didn't have to think much about a gift for her, because she gave me an idea herself. That's how I decided, that my boyfriend and I are going to get her a special beverage. But somehow I thought that only a bottle isn't going to be enough, that's how I came up with the idea to make her this tiny, mini cocktail book - that of course contains the beverage, that we gave her.
A few weeks ago I was invited on a birthday party from a friend. I didn't have to think much about a gift for her, because she gave me an idea herself. That's how I decided, that my boyfriend and I are going to get her a special beverage. But somehow I thought that only a bottle isn't going to be enough, that's how I came up with the idea to make her this tiny, mini cocktail book - that of course contains the beverage, that we gave her.
petek, 4. september 2015
Obsedena z 80imi /Obsessed with 80s
Da je glasba moje mladosti ne morem reči, saj niti glasba mojega otroštva ni, a zadnje čase mi predstavlja dobrodošel umik od moderne glasbe in še česa drugega.
I can't really say it's the music from my youth, it's not even the music of my childhood, but lately it represents a welcome retreat from modern music and even something else.
I can't really say it's the music from my youth, it's not even the music of my childhood, but lately it represents a welcome retreat from modern music and even something else.
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