25. rojstni dan se sliši kot neka prelomnica in morda tudi je. Nekako ga razumem kot leto, ko prestopiš prag odraslosti. Vsaj dandanes se mi zdi tako, saj večina mladih po srednji šoli nadaljuje šolanje na višji stopnji in 25. rojstni dan je nekako mejnik, ki študentsko življenje loči od odraslega obdobja, saj mladi do takrat običajno zaključijo šolanje.
25th birthday sounds like some kind of a turning point and maybe it is. I somehow understand it as the year you pass the threshold of adulthood. At least nowadays I feel like it, because after highschool most young people continue schooling on a higher level and 25th birthday is somehow a marker, that separates student life from adult life, because youngsters usually finish studying by then.
Danes z vami delim vabilo, ki je nastalo pred dvema letoma, povod za oblikovanje pa je bil prijateljičin 25. rojstni dan.
Today I share with you an invite, that was made two years ago, the reason for designing it was my friend's 25th birthday.